Olympic Fan!

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone, for the sad, old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own." Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Olympics

I am so excited that the Olympics have finally begun.  The Olympics are the best sporting events.  There are many reasons that I love them, but the main reason is the spirit that is felt while the games are taking place.  Everything seems better during the Olympics.

I love being able to cheer for people.  One nice thing about the Olympics is you aren’t biased towards anyone.  Sure, you want to see the USA do excellent, but you’re okay if you don’t.  The teams, at least for me, seem to kind of fade away, and I’m happy to see individuals do well.  It’s great to be able to cheer for some girl from Norway that is doing a great job.  It doesn’t matter that you’ve never heard of her before and that you won’t remember her in a week.  You’re still happy that she tried so hard and did such a great job.  Try to imagine how many people that you cheer for in the Olympics.  There are tons!  If you think back to the Athens 2004 games, though, how many names can you remember?  There are a few, and a couple experiences that stick out, but it doesn’t really matter.  During the Olympics, you also tend to tune out the bad/negative stories.  You can remember how excited you were to see Michael Phelps get all of those swimming medals, but it didn’t matter to you that someone was caught doing something illegal.

Isn’t it great to hear the inspirational stories that are told during the Olympics?  People have sacrificed so much to get there.  Not only have they spent incredible amounts of time training, they have also given up lots of other things that are important to them.  Many of the athletes have also fought back from difficulties, from injuries, to deaths, to financial troubles.  It inspires us to be better people because we’ve seen what they’ve done.  The commercials are also great.  Some people may argue that the commercials during the Super Bowl are the best, but I think that the Olympic ones are better.  At no other time is everyone encouraged to do his or her best.   Here is my favorite commercial.  It’s the Visa: Life Takes… one (It’s the first one in the row and sixty seconds long).  The best part is the beginning.  Sorry, don’t mean to be advertising.    

Once again, I have to say that the spirits of the games is the true reason people keep coming back.  What other event has 2 BILLION people watching worldwide?  There is an energy from the athletes that is felt nowhere else.   It’s great to watch them walk in during the Opening Ceremonies.  They all have smiles on their faces and are pleased to be involved in such an epic event.  That is one reason I love the USA so much.  They are the best to watch. They play, they smile, they dance, and they wave as they’re coming in.  They realize how hard they’ve worked and are now willing to have a good time.  I hate it when certain athletes *cough cough Bode Miller cough cough* act like they’re too good for it.  They don’t smile because they’re too “cool”.  It really just makes them look like idiots.  

Well, I hope that you’re willing to watch the Olympics.  They really are a big deal, and I’m sure if you’re willing to commit some time, you’ll enjoy them.


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