Olympic Fan!

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone, for the sad, old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own." Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Christmas Concert

Wow! Have you ever been to something that made you want to sit with your mouth hanging open for the entire time?  This happened to me on Friday.  I attended the concert entitled: Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Renée something.  It was amazingly beautiful.

I am constantly in awe of the Conference Center.  It is a true architectural wonder.  Just to look at the terrace and see it completely suspended, makes me realize how smart people are, to be able to come up with something like that.  Then as you walk out, you see the stage decorated immaculately, with giant Christmas trees and two cottages, covered with snow.  There was an antique looking stonewall, behind the orchestra, that was draped with snow, ivy, and poinsettias.  It was beautiful and very festive.

When I finally sat down, I had an amazing seat.  We were in the second section, in the very middle.  The orchestra started playing, and it was really great.  I mean, being in an orchestra, I really appreciate the time and talent that goes into things like this.  The choir joined in, and once again I was stunned.  Their voices sounded… angelic. That’s probably the word that best describes it.  Towards the beginning, they sang “Carol of the Bells.”  This is one of my favorite Christmas songs.  It was so clear and crisp.  They also sang the Hallelujah Chorus, from Handel’s Messiah.   To hear such a classical piece sung so beautifully was a great experience.  Renée sang with them on some pieces.  She is a very good soprano, and some of the things she sang were really high.  Her voice, during many of the songs, greatly added to the spirit of the evening.  She had on a very interesting dress.  It was beautiful, but when I examined it more closely, it was odd.  It had a very versatile shawl, and she used it in every possible way, from holding it up, to wrapping it around herself, but the actual dress was a brownish-purple color.  It had braided ropes hanging down on it, in very random places, and it was layered.  The dress had sleeves made of black lace that eventually merged into the dress.  It was impressive that she was able to get away with such a thing.  People would’ve laughed at me, if I were wearing it.  Sorry to get sidetracked and go off on that dress tangent. Back to the music…

A professional actress was there.  She read a sad story about a Russian village.  It was slightly depressing, but talked about the true meaning of Christmas and how Christ still lives.  It made me cry, and I was annoyed that the little girl in it was killed.  She also read the Christmas story, which was happier.  There were also dancers there.  They danced during a couple songs, and I was amazed at how graceful they were.  A bell choir accompanied two of the songs.    

Many other beautiful songs were played and sung, but one of my favorite events was when the conductor turned around, during the final verse of Angels We Have Heard on High, and had us sing along.  It was great to be able to sing as loudly as you wanted with all of those people.  You couldn’t help feeling the great Christmas spirit while you were joined with thousands of voices, singing an optimistic message.  It helped me to become even more excited for Christmas!  Hurray! Only two weeks!!!



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