My Joseph Smith Poem
My stake is doing a production in November about Joseph Smith. We were asked to contribute our talents and efforts to make it a wonderful thing. My mom and I decided that we would each write a poem, to be displayed in the foyers at the production. Here’s my poem:
The Power of Prayer
It didn’t seem any different than a normal, springtime day,
Yet it would change the world in a very important way.
Joseph was a normal, teenage boy who sought answers to a question.
He didn’t know which church to join, and this really vexed him.
There were so many options! Yet none of them felt right.
How could this be the work of God if the preachers only fight?
Don’t they know that the word of God is peace and humility?
Instead they made him wonder what the real answer would be.
He turned to the Book of James one day, such a simple, little act,
But this verse would change him and teach him a small fact.
“If ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” It was so plain to see.
He wondered, “Could such a thing really apply to me?”
He knew that God was truthful and that he would never lie,
So he decided to give this offer a chance and it was well worth the try.
Joseph entered a grove of trees, just a little ways from his home.
He knelt down in a group of trees, covering him like a dome.
When Joseph was a little boy, his parents had taught him to pray.
He knew that God would answer him and would help him know what to say.
He had never prayed aloud before, but he would listen to his parent’s heed.
Joseph knew that now was a time he really had a need.
He began and an overwhelming power came, as if to crush him to the ground.
It was so great that he felt as if he couldn’t make a sound.
He continued with his humble prayer, needing rescuing form above,
Now he knew that evil was real and he needed the God of Love.
Then appeared a light, so beautiful as to defy the brightness of the sun,
And in the midst stood Heavenly Father and His Anointed One.
The Father pointed to His son, calling him by name.
Joseph knew that his life would never be the same.
After Joseph explained his problem, he was then gently told
Not to join any church, and that he would restore the gospel, as of old.
He learned many truths that day, not the least of which, was prayer.
Joseph now knew that the Father answers and is always there.
We can also have this help, at any time in our life.
We don’t need to have big problems or be wading through great strife.
It can be done any time or anywhere, and Jesus will help you.
Through prayer we learn about him and can become more like him, too.
May we have the faith of Joseph, and remember everyday
That the Lord is really there for us, and he will help us if we pray!
The Power of Prayer
It didn’t seem any different than a normal, springtime day,
Yet it would change the world in a very important way.
Joseph was a normal, teenage boy who sought answers to a question.
He didn’t know which church to join, and this really vexed him.
There were so many options! Yet none of them felt right.
How could this be the work of God if the preachers only fight?
Don’t they know that the word of God is peace and humility?
Instead they made him wonder what the real answer would be.
He turned to the Book of James one day, such a simple, little act,
But this verse would change him and teach him a small fact.
“If ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” It was so plain to see.
He wondered, “Could such a thing really apply to me?”
He knew that God was truthful and that he would never lie,
So he decided to give this offer a chance and it was well worth the try.
Joseph entered a grove of trees, just a little ways from his home.
He knelt down in a group of trees, covering him like a dome.
When Joseph was a little boy, his parents had taught him to pray.
He knew that God would answer him and would help him know what to say.
He had never prayed aloud before, but he would listen to his parent’s heed.
Joseph knew that now was a time he really had a need.
He began and an overwhelming power came, as if to crush him to the ground.
It was so great that he felt as if he couldn’t make a sound.
He continued with his humble prayer, needing rescuing form above,
Now he knew that evil was real and he needed the God of Love.
Then appeared a light, so beautiful as to defy the brightness of the sun,
And in the midst stood Heavenly Father and His Anointed One.
The Father pointed to His son, calling him by name.
Joseph knew that his life would never be the same.
After Joseph explained his problem, he was then gently told
Not to join any church, and that he would restore the gospel, as of old.
He learned many truths that day, not the least of which, was prayer.
Joseph now knew that the Father answers and is always there.
We can also have this help, at any time in our life.
We don’t need to have big problems or be wading through great strife.
It can be done any time or anywhere, and Jesus will help you.
Through prayer we learn about him and can become more like him, too.
May we have the faith of Joseph, and remember everyday
That the Lord is really there for us, and he will help us if we pray!
At 9:13 PM,
Becca said…
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At 9:14 PM,
Becca said…
(I think you catch my drift. Good poem anyway.:))
At 9:17 PM,
Unknown said…
Deeeeep. Im glad you addressed the religion factor of our honors english blogs. Very nice.
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